Ethiopian dairy women study raw data

Published: 2 January 2025| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gc34gbjfkd.1
, Kerry E. Kaylegian,


The study is summarized that the impact of clean milk production training on knowledge, attitudes and practices of women dairy farmers in the central highlands of Ethiopia. The study indicated that women dairy farmers improved their knowledge, attitude, and practices relating to quality milk production. However, milk shade assessments of individual farmers identified many important risk factors for clean milk production that were due to infrastructure issues. The effectiveness of the training materials and approach was supported by the increase in KAP assessment scores from pre-training to post-training for all study sites. Comparisons of the training outcomes and evaluation results of milk shades were found counterintuitive, which revealed the complexity of food safety interventions. Customized food safety training is effective but should be combined with dairy farming infrastructure improvements to achieve the goal of clean milk production at farm level.


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The study was conducted in the Oromia region, in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Four training areas were selected based on the potential of milk flow to the capital city, Addis Ababa: Wolmera, Bishoftu, Asella, and Selale (Figure 1). The study areas were within a radius of 175 km from the capital city and at altitudes of 1850 to 4130 m above sea level. The mean annual rainfall varies from 866 to 1800 mm, and the annual average temperature ranges from 18.7 to 22.5C (CSA, 2019). A training guide, teaching video, and handouts on improving milk quality and safety were developed in English by scholars from the Pennsylvania State University, the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Addis Ababa University, and Hammer Video Production PLC. The materials were adapted to local contexts and translated to the‘Afan oromo and Amharic’ local languages. The contents of the guide, video, pictures, and handouts were developed for some trainees who might not be able to read or write, and there would be a range of literacy levels at all training sessions. Each visual image contained one or two key concepts that were presented with simple words and pictures or a graphic image. Complex concepts were broken down into several slides or images, rather than presented as a text-heavy list. Key concepts in sanitation were reinforced with repetition during lectures, by inclusion of real-life examples, demonstrations, hands-on activities such as hand washing in the classroom and udder preparation on the farm, and in the take home handouts. The curriculum included three consecutive days at each site to cover the theoretical lectures, practical sessions, teaching videos, and assessments. We have provided breakfast, lunch, transportation facilities, and time compensation costs for the effectiveness of the training and covering their time, respectively. Classroom sessions were conducted using a laptop computer connected to a projector, and with the aid of flip charts and markers. Topics included the importance of clean milk production, factors affecting clean milk production, the basic principles of cleaning and disinfecting, methods to produce clean water, proper procedures for hand washing, and proper hygienic milking steps. Practical activities were conducted in the classroom and at selected dairy farms near the training sites to demonstrate procedures and to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the women farmers. Proper hand washing practices were demonstrated by the instructors, and then the cleaning efficiency of participants that washed hands with and without soap was evaluated using Glo-GermTM gel and a UV lamp ( Proper steps in cleaning and disinfection of milk equipment were demonstrated by instructors, and then the cleaning efficiency of individual and group participants that washed milk equipment only using cold water or cold water followed by hot water was evaluated with Glo-GermTM powder and a UV lamp.


Comparative Effectiveness Research Database Study


UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office

