Fietz et al., 2021 - OA Dataset
Dataset that was collected for publication in S.W. Fietz, M.K. Gingras, J.A. MacEachern, L. Rinke-Hardekopf, and S.E. Dashtgard, 2021. Sedimentology and neoichnology of a muddy translating point bar in the fluvio-tidal transition, Serpentine River, BC, Canada. Sedimentary Geology Dataset comprises 1) Coordinates of 13 boxcores and 15 grab samples at the studied translating point bar are listed. The positions of the boxcores in the lower, middle and upper intertidal zone are indicated. Grab samples were collected from the subtidal zone of the bar. The approximate vertical position of each sample station is given relative to NAD83(CSRS) 4.0.0.BC.1.GVRD 2005-04-05 (horizontal datum). 2) Raw data of grain size analyses are part of this dataset. Grain size analyses were conducted on 2-3 samples per boxcore and each grab sample. Samples were analyzed using a Malvern Mastersizer Hydro 2000 with a fluid accessory. Results are given in µm. Treatment of samples prior to processing them for grain size analysis is described by Czarnecki et al., (2014). Sieve data are given in mm. 3) Total organic carbon content (wt%) was measured for 2-3 samples per boxcore and each grab sample, using the Loss-on-Ignition method described by Heiri et al., (2001). 4) Size-diversity index (SDI) calculations were conducted following the method described by Hauck et al., (2009). SDI is a value derived by multiplying the largest burrow diameter with the diversity of traces observed. 5) Macrobenthos population counts were conducted for each station in the intertidal zone. Genus and species as well as their abundances at each station are made available. 6) Salinity (‰) was measured with a digital refractometer at the landward side of the bar and the seaward side of the bar. Date, time and coordinates of the salinity measurement locations are documented. References: Czarnecki, J.M., Dashtgard, S.E., Pospelova, V., Mathewes, R.W., MacEachern, J.A., 2014. Palynology and geochemistry of channel-margin sediments across the tidal-fluvial transition, lower Fraser River, Canada: Implications for the rock record. Marine and Petroleum Geology 51, 152–166. Hauck, T.E., Dashtgard, S.E., Pemberton, S.G., Gingras, M.K., 2009. Brackish-water ichnological trends in a microtidal barrier island-embayment system, Kouchibouguac National Park, New Brunswick, Canada. Palaios 24, 478–496. Heiri, O., Lotter, A., Lemcke, G., 2001. Loss on ignition as a method for estimating organic and carbonate content in sediments: Reproducibility and comparability of results. Journal of Paleolimnology 25, 101–110.