Data for: Osmoregulatory contributions of the corticotropin-releasing factor system in the intestine of Atlantic salmon
Supporting data for "Osmoregulatory contributions of the corticotropin-releasing factor system in the intestine of Atlantic salmon". Tab 1: Effects of CRFa or UCN3 on in vitro rates of intestinal water, Cl, and Na absorption Tab 2: Effects of CRFa or CRFa+ANT on in vitro rates of intestinal water, Cl, and Na absorption Tab 3: CRF System Component Distribution in middle ( and posterior ( regions of the intestine Tab 4: Effects of smolting on CRF System Component abundance in the middle (mid) and posterior (post) regions of the intestine Tab 5: Effects of FW-to-SW transfer on CRF System Component abundance in the middle (mid) and posterior (post) regions of the intestine Tab 6: Effects of SW-to-FW transfer on CRF System Component abundance in the middle (mid) and posterior (post) regions of the intestine
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council