Sense of place in a new city

Published: 4 October 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gdfsrb3cy4.1
Vicente Tang


This data was gathered to assess the spatial distribution of different dimensions of the construct of sense of place throughout the city of Lisbon among foreign residents. The uploaded data consists of two different geodatabase files containing the collected data of the map-based survey carried out during the study. Each geodatabase corresponds to a version of the survey: an English version and a Portuguese version. The geodatabases contain the polygons drawn by the participants as well as the tables containing all the answers to the questions. Data contains the polygons for each dimension of sense of place, participant nationality, participant length of residence, and participant answers to Likert-scale questions.


Steps to reproduce

The survey was structured using ESRI's Survey123 both online and desktop platforms. The content of the questionnaire can be found in the corresponding paper.


Geographic Information Systems, Applied Geography, GIS Database, Participatory GIS
