Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals intrahepatic and peripheral immune characteristics related to disease phases in HBV-infected patients.

Published: 24 July 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gfkbj6gdpx.1
Jason Li


This repository contains the raw counts from the study titled "Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals intrahepatic and peripheral immune characteristics related to disease phases in HBV-infected patients" by Zhang C, Li J, Cheng Y, Meng F, Song J-W, Fan X, Fan H, Li J, Fu Y-L, Zhou M-J, Hu W, Wang S-Y, Fu Y-J, Zhang J-Y, Xu R-N, Shi M, Hu X, Zhang Z, Ren X, Wang F-S, published in Gut (2022). (gutjnl-2021-325915). If you find this repository helpful for your research, kindly consider citing our work.



Single-Cell RNA Sequencing
