WiFi Shore-to-vessel communications dataset

Published: 20 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gfxtgzp4kp.1
Pedro d'Orey,


Aquatic environments impose challenging conditions for signal propagation, impairing ubiquitous connectivity between (IoT) nodes resulting in degraded application performance. This dataset gathers information on the channel characteristics at 2.4 GHz between an Autonomous Underwater Vessel (AUV) and two shore nodes [termed Manta and DMU] (shore-to-vessel communications) operating overwater. The measurement campaign was conducted during the flooding period in the Port of Leixões, Matosinhos, Portugal, behind a coastal breakwater during July 2021 Additional details on the data gathering procedure and a complete data description are provided in the following paper: - Pedro M. d'Orey, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro M. Santos, Manuel Ribeiro, João B. Sousa, Luís Almeida, Empirical evaluation of short-range wifi vessel-to-shore overwater communications, ACM Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & CHaracterization (WiNTECH'22), pp. 77–84, Oct 2022, https://doi.org/10.1145/3556564.3558240 - Pedro M. d'Orey, Miguel Gutiérrez Gaitán, Pedro M. Santos, Manuel Ribeiro, João B. Sousa, Luís Almeida, Assessing Short-Range Shore-to-Shore (S2S) and Shore-to-Vessel (S2V) WiFi Communications, Computer Networks, xxxx


Steps to reproduce

-------- | RSSI | -------- The file AUV_Pkts.csv contains the RSSI fluctuations as a function of time measured by the Autonomous Underwater Vessel (AUV). The format of the file is: - unix timestamp of RSSI measurement (s) - RSSI measurement (dBm) - Noisel level (dBm) The files DMU_Pkts_Exp_I.csv and DMU_Pkts_Exp_II.csv contain the RSSI fluctuations as a function of time measured by the DMU setup during experiments I and II, respectively. The format of the file is: - unix timestamp of packet reception (s) - IEEE 802.11 packet type - IEEE 802.11 packet sub-type - Frame Length (Bytes) - Data Rate (Mbps) - RSSI measurement at packet reception (dBm) ------- | GPS | ------- The file AUV_Gps.csv contains GNSS data collected by the Autonomous Underwater Vessel (AUV). The format of the file is: - unix timestamp (s) - UTC year - UTC month - UTC day - UTC time - AUV Latitude (rad) - AUV Longitude (rad) - Height (m) - Satellites (#) - Course over Ground [CoG] (m) - Speed over Ground [SoG] (m/s) - Horizontal Dilution of Precision [HDOP] - Vertical Dilution of Precision [HDOP] - Horizontal Accuracy (m) - Vertical Accuracy (m) The remaining nodes were placed on a concrete pier of the harbor at the following coordinates: - AP (41.185246, -8.704901) - DMU (41.185273, -8.704882) -------------------- | Antenna heights | -------------------- The file ant_heights.csv contains the distance between the pier floor where the Manta and DMU were installed and the current water level, which have been measured using a conventional tape. The format of this file is: - unix timestamp of measurement (s) - time of measurement (hh:mm:ss) - antenna height (m) - node (dock floor) The file tides.csv contains the water level at Leixões, Portugal on July 16, 2021, obtained from an open-source repository (https://tabuademares.com/). The format of this file is: - unix timestamp of high or low tide (s) - time of measurement (hh:mm:ss) - water level (m) The nodes were installed as follows: - The distance between the WiFi antenna base and the pier floor were: + AP: 0.37 m + DMU (Exp. I): 3.55 m + DMU (Exp. II): 1.15 m - The distance between the antenna base and center was 0.085 m. - The AUV antenna height w.r.t. the water was 0.17 m.


Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Instituto Politecnico do Porto Centro de Investigacao em Sistemas Computacionais Embebidos e de Tempo-Real, Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia


Wireless Communication, Communication Channel


EU/Next Generation


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo

FONDECYT Iniciación 11241221
