Datasets on agromorphological characters and distribution of cassava accessions cultivated in South-West and North-Central regions of Nigeria.

Published: 7 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gh2nfyyknj.1


The dataset is provided as an Excel file comprising of three sheets, each containing distinct sets of information. These sheets collectively offer comprehensive insights into agronomic characteristics gathered from preliminary yield trials of cassava accessions collected during an epidemiological survey for cassava mosaic diseases in Nigeria. The dataset encompasses data from 470 cassava accessions meticulously collected from 290 fields situated across the south-western and north-central regions of Nigeria. The first sheet within the Excel document presents pre-harvest data, encompassing different traits observed prior to the harvest stage. These traits serve as crucial indicators, offering valuable insights into the growth and development patterns exhibited by the cassava accessions throughout experimental phase. The second sheet contains harvest data, which provides detailed information regarding above-ground biomass and root characteristics of the cassava accessions investigated. This data offers a comprehensive understanding of the yield potential and root quality associated with each accession. Contained within the third sheet is metadata, providing insights into the comprehensive overview and detailed description of all variables measured throughout the trial. This metadata serves as a valuable reference tool, enhancing the interpretability and utility of the dataset by elucidating the significance and context of each measured variable.



Agronomy, Morphological Analysis, Genetic Diversity, Crop Breeding, Food Security, Data Bank, Agricultural Genetics


Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

