Exploring the relationship between predicted negative energy balance and its biomarkers of Holstein cows in first-parity early lactation
S1. Pearson correlations between the LPNEB, LEDS, 15 biomarkers and 3 production traits (below diagonal, n=30,634), between the LRNEB, LPNEB, LEDS, 15 biomarkers and 3 production traits (above diagonal, n=965) . S2. The P-values of pearson correlations between the LPNEB, LEDS, 15 biomarkers and 3 production traits (below diagonal, n=30,634), between the LRNEB, LPNEB, LEDS, 15 biomarkers and 3 production traits (above diagonal, n=965) . S3. The ranges of standard errors (SE) of heritability (diagonal), genetic correlations (above the diagonal), and phenotypic correlations (below the diagonal) among LRNEB, LPNEB, LEDS, 15 biomarkers, and 3 production traits are reported. S4. The P-values of heritability (diagonal), genetic correlations (above the diagonal), and phenotypic correlations (below the diagonal) among LRNEB, LPNEB, LEDS, 15 biomarkers, and 3 production traits are reported.