Data Set on Role Demand Management among Academic Staff in Selected Nigerian University: The Eustress Perspective.
This article contains the Data compilation for the development of indicators of eustress and cognitive appraisal strategy that enhances academic staff performance. The data collected from the questionnaires administered to respondents were analysed and presented as follows. Table 1 the response rate from the questionnaire administered to the target respondents for the study, Table 2 indicates the breakdown of returned questionnaire. Table 3 depicted that all the constructs of the work routine management and Academic advising in the selected Nigerian universities have values higher than 0.80 and 0.70, which means that they have composite internal consistency and Cronbach Alpha reliability respectively, Figure 1 and Figures 2 respectively, depicted bootstrapping for work routine management and academic advising of universities was presented. Figure 3 predicted that work routine management which comprised role identification, scheduling, documentation, prioritization, mindfulness and relaxation/exercise significantly and positively influence academic advising in the selected Nigerian universities. Table 4 indicated the path coefficient and bootstrapping of all constructs and significant relationships in the analysis at .05. Table 5. This shows the regression analysis establishing how an independent variable causes the dependent variable to change, and the results of the analysis are expected to change if independent and dependent variables are swapped. Table 6 shows that the RMSR of this model is 0.073, which is lesser than 0.08. This suggests that the RMSR for this model has a good fit