The effect of Leflu&Lur combination on purine/pyrimidine pools in SBC3 mouse xenograft
Published: 23 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/ghzcbd74tz.1
Tamara Mirzapoiazova, Haiqing Li, Alex Pozhitkov, Ravi SalgiaDescription
Purine and pyrimidine substances measured by LC-MS/MS in mouse tumor tissue (Figure 5).
Steps to reproduce
Data Analysis were conducted at Creative Proteomics ( Concentrations of detected analytes were calculated with internal-standard calibration by interpolating the constructed linear-regression curves of individual compounds, with the analyte-to-internal standard peak area ratios measured from the sample solutions.
City of Hope National Medical Center, City of Hope National Medical Center Department of Medical Oncology and Therapeutics Research