Supplementary Data - Change & Grow® Therapeutic Model for Addiction: Preliminary Results of a Longitudinal Study

Published: 23 April 2019| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/gj9gmnymxk.2
Eduardo Ramadas, Jessica Lopes, Tânia Caetano


This dataset pertains to the first preliminary results of a longitudinal study relating to the impact of a new integrative therapeutic model for addictive disorders and psychological correlates. This first small study had the goal of understanding if the programme has a significant impact on certain psychological complaints that often appear in comorbidity with an addictive disorder, more specifically depressive symptomatology, suicide ideation and anxiety (state and trait as measured by STAI). MoCA was also used to screen for cognitive function at the beginning of treatment and was repeated at the end to evaluate possible changes. Preliminary results indicate a positive impact of the model in study regarding all the relevant variables. The sample is still small and further research needs to be made to confirm the results. Available are: the raw data, the statistical analyses output, information pertaining to the therapeutic model in study.



Clinical Psychology, Addiction, Treatment Approaches for Addictions
