Mindfulness, Time Perspective and Psychological Well-Being in College Students.
This data was used for the article: "Mindfulness and Balanced Time Perspective: predictive model of Psychological Well-Being and gender differences in college students", which had the following aims: (1) establish an adjustment model to analyze the relationship between Mindfulness, BTP and PWB in university population, and (2) to make an exploratory analysis regarding gender differences in Mindfulness, BTP and PWB. This data shows the scores on the scales used to measure Mindfulness, Time Perspective and Psychological Well-Being (FFMQ, ZPTI and SPWB respectively) of college student from the Universidad de Concepción. The sample consists of a total of 380 students, ages ranging from 18 to 25 years old. Of these, 160 are men and 220 women. The initial sample was 407 participants, of which 27 were randomly selected to obtain a uniform stratified sample of 20 participants for each of the 19 faculties of the Universidad de Concepción. The data set aside was used later to validate the regression model.