Passive acoustic monitoring at two temporal resolutions of sampling
This dataset contains the species that have been detected by manually listening to a subsample of audio data collected through Passive Acoustic Monitoring in the Santarém region of Brazil. Audio data was collected with Frontier Labs audio recorders, mounted in trees within 10m of pre-existing permanent transects. Full details are available in the Methods sections of accompanying preprint/article. The audio data has been subsampled at two temporal sampling resolutions (Method column). This dataset contains the species that have been detected by manually listening to a subsample of audio data collected through Passive Acoustic Monitoring in the Santarém region of Brazil. The audio data has been subsampled at two temporal sampling resolutions per site (Method column), 240 samples of 15 second duration (High temporal resolution or HTR) and 4 samples of 15 minute duration (Low temporal resolution or LTR). The 'Transect column' is the list of sampling locations or 'sites', and the species column is the list of species detected in each sample using the taxonomy of the Brazilian Ornithology Records Committee (de Piacentinie et al., 2015). The data is in long format. Date and time refer to the start date and time of the sampled period, and alongside Method and Transect form a unique identifier for each sample. de Piacentini, V.Q., Aleixo, A., Eduardo Agne, C., Nachtigall Maurício, G., Fernando Pacheco, J., Bravo, G.A., R Brito, G.R., Naka, L.N., Olmos, F., Posso, S., Fábio Silveira, L., Betini, G.S., Carrano, E., Franz, I., Lees, A.C., Lima, L.M., Pioli, D., Schunck, F., Raposo do Amaral, F., Bencke, G.A., Cohn-Haft, M., Fernando Figueiredo, L.A., Straube, F.C., Cesari, E., 2015. Annotated checklist of the birds of Brazil by the Brazilian Ornithological Records Committee / Lista comentada das aves do Brasil pelo Comitê Brasileiro de Registros Ornitológicos, Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia.