Gravity wave activity in the Martian atmosphere at altitudes 20-160 km from ACS/TGO occultation measurements
The dataset represents results on gravity wave activity in the atmosphere of Mars obtained by the middle infrared spectrometer of the Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS MIR) operating on board ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter in solar occultation mode. The data coverage consists of 84 measurements in the Northern Hemisphere and 60 in the Southern one covering the period of Ls 164° to 354° of MY34. The data represents the latitude-altitude cross-sections of GW characteristics such as amplitudes, potential energy, fluxes, accelerations and zonal wind presented in the article of Starichenko et al. (2021) "Gravity wave activity in the Martian atmosphere at altitudes 20-160 km from ACS/TGO occultation measurements" with open access at ESSOAr: For any detail or question mail to: (Ekaterina Starichenko)
Steps to reproduce
In the text documents describing the latitude-altitude distribution of GW parameters you can see the table, where in the first row are latitudes [deg] and in the first column are altitudes [km]. The rest of the table are values of the parameters written in the name of the files. Each value of a parameter corresponds to the specific latitude and altitude.