Data for: Arming in the Global Economy: The Importance of Trade with Enemies and Friends

Published: 31 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gkmf7kd4h4.1
Constantinos Syropoulos


Description of data and codes used to create the estimation results in “Arming in the Global Economy: The Importance of Trade with Enemies and Friends” by Garfinkel, Syropoulos and Yotov. The code file "" which produces all estimates, tables, and Stata trade cost figures that appear in the paper. The file includes notes that explain each step and calls the main data file, Replication_Data_GSY.dta, which is described next. The data file "Replication_Data_GSY.dta" is the main data file that is called by "". The names of the variables in this file are self-explanatory, the variables are also labeled, and they as well as the data sources are described in the main text of the paper and in the Supplementary Empirical Appendix.



