Dermoscopic changes in acquired melanocytic nevi during and after pregnancy – A Case-control Prospective Study

Published: 1 October 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gm37ztb69c.1
Lilian Rocha


Our study aimed to examine the most common dermoscopic changes in acquired melanocytic nevi during pregnancy and six months post-partum in two distinct populations—Brazil and Australia—each with very different melanoma risk factors. We compared these changes to those observed in a control group consisting of non-pregnant biological sisters. This control group was selected due to the likelihood of shared genetic and environmental risk factors for melanoma, as evidenced by the similarity of baseline demographics and risk factors between cases and controls. In addition to dermoscopic examination, we utilized confocal microscopy for suspicious lesions identified through dermoscopy, providing a thorough and multi-faceted analysis of these changes.


Steps to reproduce

Prospective multicenter case-control study with sequential digital dermoscopic imaging of nevi >2mm over 3 months in pregnant women and their non-pregnant sisters. Clinically relevant changes were analyzed with confocal microscopy, followed by a 6-month post-partum dermoscopic follow-up.


Melanoma Institute Australia, Universidade de Sao Paulo


Pregnancy, Confocal Microscopy, Melanoma, Dermoscopy
