World Bank WDI: Investments in Education and Infrastructure with Participation of State and Private Sector

Published: 9 August 2016| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gmfc38cdfj.1
Bruno Candea


A R script with an example of an econometric linear regression of the data provided in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, that contains some of the World Bank's World Development Indicators, that provides data about the investments performed by countries with participation of the private sector in Telecommunication, Energy, Water and Sanitation, Transport. Other data are population, GDP and GNI, internet users per 100 people, a dummy that assumes value 1 if the country is an OPEP member (and 0 if not), and a table with the income group classification of the countries. All data was collected in World Bank Data site, and contains all the available countries, except those that doesn't contain data about GDP, essential for the analysis that has justified the construction of this little project.


Steps to reproduce

All original data are in: Here are the original World Bank codes for each of the main indicators: Government Expenditure on Education, in % of GDP (SE.XPD.TOTL.GD.ZS); Government Total Expenditure, in % of GDP (GC.XPN.TOTL.GD.ZS); Domestic Credit to Private Sector, in % of GDP (FS.AST.PRVT.GD.ZS); Investments in Telecom with participation of Private Sector, in current US dollars (IE.PPI.TELE.CD); Investments in Energy with participation of Private Sector, in current US dollars (IE.PPI.ENGY.CD); Investments in Transport with participation of Private Sector, in current US dollars (IE.PPI.TRAN.CD); Investments in Water and Sanitation with participation of Private Sector, in current US dollars (IE.PPI.WATR.CD) and number of internet users per 100 people (IT.NET.USER.P2).


