Future Avoided Cost Explorer: Colorado Hazards datasets
This State of Colorado project was led by the Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and the Colorado Water Conservation Board and supported by Lynker Technologies. Suggested citation: State of Colorado and Lynker (2020). Datasets. Future Avoided Cost Explorer: Colorado Hazards. http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/gmnb22m5kw.1 The following datasets are the product of the Colorado Future Avoided Cost Explorer (FACE:Hazards) project. FACE:Hazards is a suite of resources for local decision-makers to explore how resilience actions today, can save Colorado money in the long run. This study and web-based visualization helps communities peer into the economic risks of climate change. FACE:Hazards empowers communities to develop neighborhoods, invest resources, and recover from disasters with data- and climate-informed decisions that reduce our risks to natural hazard impacts. The project team developed statistical models to quantify the physical relationships between climate variables and hazard severity under historical conditions, as well as the relationship between hazard severity and economic damages. Those interactions were re-calculated using future climate and population conditions to assess how those damages might change in the future. In each case, we calculated expected annual damages over a window of time (e.g., 20-30 years) representative of baseline or future conditions, and expressed damages as "expected annual damage" over that window.
Steps to reproduce
Refer to the project technical report in the related links