Topological data analysis and Network analysis approach for sustainable mobility in cities
Data Description This dataset contains detailed information on urban network structures and socio-demographic variables for 65 cities across various continents for the year 2023. The data were collected and processed to explore the relationship between network topology and urban mobility readiness (UMRi). The dataset includes key metrics such as graph entropy, node degree, clustering coefficient, graph diameter, GDP per capita, population density, and more. The dataset is organized into multiple columns representing both network-derived variables and socio-economic indicators. The primary objective of this dataset is to provide a comprehensive basis for analyzing how urban network structures influence mobility efficiency and sustainability in cities worldwide. Researchers and urban planners can use this dataset to further explore the complex dynamics of urban mobility and develop strategies for improving transportation systems in growing urban areas. The data are provided in a structured format, suitable for use in statistical software and network analysis tools. Main Source primary data: A paper (in revision stage!) is included in this dataset for a general introduction, aims and scope.