Some of Frontiers Education Articles: Around First to Eleven December 2020

Published: 5 January 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gnd72kkv42.1
thobias sarbunan


The research pathway is also an important point to lead researchers in creating and enriching knowledge from a fresh viewpoint, as well as development for the human race. The frontier is the publishing house of a publication that has established information along with the 'other agent' of knowledge around the globe. As a result, one of the sub-journals of this publication was education, expanded awareness time by time, by new information on innovation in science and technology. In the meantime, the pandemic, better than the science society, has alerted to the current developments in science aimed at strengthening and gaining some insight and awareness of how to maintain the 'mode of knowledge creation'. So, through this discussion of the current edition of Frontier Education Journals, I thought that this discussion theoretically involved encouragement and advancement in the middle of the pandemic, also influenced from a general point of view, here as roadmap or step-stone for all research and innovation researchers. On the basis of the discussion in general, I saw that the road map of the topic of frontier education is in significance to all branches of expertise of education. I agree that knowledge development time-by-time needs to be reflected-analysed-synthesized-adopted or adapted-also developed for the purpose of education in addition to learning from a general viewpoint. Note, knowledge is never-never sleeping tight, but it still evolves and progresses a long period with the newest scientific ideas-concept-and hypothesis. In the other hand, it is possible that my study would miss a range of weaknesses in literacy resources as well; but at least, I have sought, through this article, to see the importance of knowledge advancement that can enrich knowledge in the middle of the pandemic and for future studies. Keyword: First to Eleven December, Frontier Education Journals, Latest Edition Articles, Research Pathway, Related to Pandemic Education


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Universitas Negeri Jakarta


