Data of Factor Influencing Pre-Service Mathematics Teacher in The Use of Math-ICT during Online Teaching Practice
The dataset shows that the factors of Mathematics-Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (Math-TPACK), Beliefs in Math-ICT, and Beliefs in online learning (OL) significantly influenced the Indonesian PSMTs in integrating Math-ICT in online teaching practices. In theory. Schmidt et al. [1] define TPACK as a helpful framework for thinking about what knowledge teachers must have to integrate TPACK as a framework for measuring teaching knowledge could potentially have an impact on the type of training and professional development experiences that are designed for both pre-service and in-service teachers. Therefore, Math-TPACK can be defined as a TPACK framework based on knowledge of mathematics and mathematical software. The TPACK framework consists of three basic knowledge, namely technological knowledge (TK), pedagogical knowledge (PK), and content knowledge (CK). In addition, TPACK also consists of a combination of the three basic knowledge, namely pedagogical-content knowledge (PCK), technological-content knowledge (TCK), technological-pedagogical knowledge (TPK), and technological-pedagogical-content knowledge (TPACK). Other factors analyzed were Beliefs in Math-ICT and Beliefs on OL, which were based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Ajzen first introduced TPB in 1980, and he defines it as an academic framework aiming to understand someone's belief in things, objects, or ways [2]. TPB has three basic components, namely attitude (AT), which is a factor that motivates someone to do something; subjective norm (SN), which is associated with how other influential and essential people accept and understand the particular behaviors suggested to be performed; dan perceived behavioral control (PBC) a set that deals with the presence or absence of requisite resources and opportunities. In the context of beliefs on Math-ICT, AT refers to factors that influence the PSMTs in viewing Math-ICT. Next, SN refers to how the environment around the PSMTs supports them in integrating Math-ICT during teaching practice. Finally, PBC refers to the condition where the PSMTs can fully control their desire to use Math-ICT. Whereas in the context of beliefs on online learning, AT refers to factors that influence the PSMTs to use online learning mode. Furthermore, the SN component refers to how the people around the PMSTs support them in using the online learning model. Finally, the PBC component refers to how the PSMTs can fully control their desire to use online learning mode.
Steps to reproduce
The scale was developed through 2-phase procedures in this study. Phase 1 is to adapt and translate the research instrument. The adaptation process was carried out by conducting a systematic literature review related to the instruments used by previous researchers in measuring the variables of TPACK, TPB, and the use of Math-ICT. The literature study results were then modified based on the research objectives (see Table 2 for a general overview of the instrument). Furthermore, the instruments that have been developed are then transliterated from Indonesian to English and vice versa by involving two linguists from one of the universities in Indonesia. Next, phase 2 is carried out with face and content validity which is carried out with two discussions. The first discussion was held involving three experts from one of the universities in Indonesia who qualitatively evaluated the instruments developed, especially in the aspects of the appropriateness of context, setting, and construction of the instrument. The next face-to-face discussion involved five PSMTs to ensure that the instruments developed were easy to use and understand. Passing the 2-phase procedures, the instrument then was administered online by using Google Form to collect survey data starting from September to October 2022 through simple random sampling. The instrument was distributed to 67 PSMTs from two universities in West Java and Central Java, Indonesia, in which 50 responses were measurable, 17 of them were not returned.
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
Grant Scholarship