Imagery dataset of interior and exterior northern architectural spaces for photobiological lighting analyses
This dataset presents images of interior and exterior ambiances to calculate and represent the photobiological responses of existing architecture in northern territories. The images were obtained using a Raspberry Pi Camera Module (RPiCM) mounted in a holder designed to position the camera at a fixed point. This holder allows to rotate the camera by 30° and take 12 high dynamic range (HDR) images to create a panoramic image. The HDR images facilitated the analysis of photobiological effects concerning photopic light intensity for vision, and the spectral dominance regarding vision and circadian stimulation. This dataset consists of 13 captures in 7 interior spaces and 6 exterior spaces, each divided into 4 subfolders containing the photographic data: the sequence of low-dynamic range images (LDR) to form the high-dynamic range images (HDR), the tone-mapped images obtained from the HDR, the analysis of photopic luminance and false color, and 360° panoramic images(tone-mapped HDR, false color luminance, and spectral dominance). Each space is also supplemented with photometric data presented as a .csv file which contains lux and EML units obtained through a radiometer.
Sentinelle Nord