Cortical propagation as a biomarker for recovery after stroke
Each .zip file refers to a different mouse group. Groups are defined accordingly to the paper. A .zip file contains a .mat file (matlab) associated to each mouse and each day of recording. The .mat files are "structure arrays" containing the following fields: - force: vector (time x 1), force applied by the mouse to the handle; - status: vector (time x 1), discrete codification of the current phase of the passive extension and active retraction cycle, see Table S1 in the Supporting Information of the paper; - index: vector (pixels x 1), position of pixels in the 200x200 matrix of the recorded calcium; - calcium: matrix (time x pixels), calcium fluorescence; - day: number, relative day from lesion. The 3-dimensional matrix of the 2-D calcium imaging over time can be calculated as (in matlab) dataMatrix=zeros(size(dataMouse.calcium,1),200,200); dataMatrix(:,dataMouse.index)=dataMouse.calcium; Resolution of images in the mat file is 60 um/pixel. Bregma is located at image coordinates 100, 75. Stroke coordinates : 0.5 mm AP 1.75 mm ML from bregma : image coordinates 129 (100+1750/60), 67(75-500/60)