Burnout and Cardiovascular profile of Nigerian physicians

Published: 12 June 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/gpsvst86nt.2
Ruth Pius


We aimed to determine the burnout levels and cardiovascular health indices of a cross-section of physicians in Nigeria during the pandemic. Data on sociodemographic, work-associated, Covid-19, Copenhagen burnout inventory questions, and cardiovascular factors, together with anthropometry and Fuster-BEWAT score (FBS): blood pressure, exercise, weight (BMI), alimentation, and tobacco were collected. FBS was used to assess cardiovascular health. Majority of the physicians had intermediate FBS. There was no statistically significant association between physicians’ cardiovascular health score and work-associated factors. The overall burnout prevalence was 41%. These findings suggest that physicians need to pay attention to their cardiovascular health by adopting healthier practices. Burnout levels were high and several interventions need to be put in place to mitigate this.


Steps to reproduce

A questionnaire was used to collect the required data which included socio-demographics, Covid-19 risk, and exposure, vaccination status, Copenhagen burnout inventory questions, personal and family history of CVD, dietary, exercise, and smoking history. Clinical measurements such as weight, height, blood pressure, and waist circumference were taken, and BMI was calculated.


University of Lagos College of Medicine


Cardiovascular Medicine, Physician, Burnout, COVID-19
