Self-Paced Reading Task

Published: 3 January 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gr65892z52.1
Mona Sabir,


The data show EFL Learners and native speakers' reaction times between four contexts of non-generic article use (Definite Specific, Definite Non-Specific, Indefinite Specific, Indefinite Non-Specific) in two regions (the noun following the article and the sentence final word) and under match and mismatch conditions.


Steps to reproduce

Numerous ANOVAs to be run to identify the effects. The first analysis examined the effect of grammaticality (under match vs. mismatch conditions) and group (EFL learners vs. Native speakers). A second ANOVA was run to examine the effects of context (Definite Specific, Definite Non-specific, Indefinite Specific, and Indefinite Non-specific]) and group (EFL learners vs. Native speakers) in the two regions.


King Abdulaziz University


Reaction Time
