The Principal Transformational Leadership Strategy in developing national policies for Strengthening Character Education in Eastern Indonesia

Published: 8 April 2021| Version 5 | DOI: 10.17632/gr7vzwg8hv.5
Yulius Rustan Effendi


Dear Readers Our latest research results are presented to researchers and readers of educational policy academic journals. Our article is entitled, "The Principal Transformational Leadership Strategy in Developing National Policies for Strengthening Character Education in Eastern Indonesia." The findings of the research are; first, the determination of character values in schools based on the results of the unification of the values of the main national characters (the Indonesian Ministry of Education) and the moral values of the lonto leok culture of the Manggarai community, West Flores, East Indonesia. Second, the principal's transformational leadership approach is based on the lonto leok cultural teaching dimension. What is the application model for the two focus of findings? Please download it from the below link.



Universitas Negeri Malang


Research Article
