Draft Genome Sequence of Cercospora brassicicola Henn., causing White Leaf Spot on Brassica species
The fungus Cercospora brassicicola is an agriculturally important plant pathogen that causes white leaf spot in almost all Brassica species across the world. Lack of genetic information about this fungus prevents a better understanding of its pathosystem. Therefore, this study was initiated to study the pathogenic behaviour by detecting genomic features and predicting genomic elements of C. brassicicola (isolate Cer 68-18) from infected leaf samples of Brassica rapa subsp. rapa L. In this study, we have constructed a draft genome assembly of C. brassicicola using long read native DNA paired-end and mate-pair sequencing on Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform. The draft genome is consisting of 24 contigs with an N50 of 17086 bp that included 266 single-copy orthologs and 10502 genes. The C. brassicicola genome sequence available at DDBJ/ENA/GenBank under the accession number JAASLH000000000 is a valuable resource to aid for future population genomics studies.