An unstructured geometrical un-split VOF method for viscoelastic two-phase flows
Since viscoelastic two-phase flows arise in various industrial and natural processes, developing accurate and efficient software for their detailed numerical simulation is a highly relevant and challenging research task. We present a geometrical unstructured Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) method for handling two-phase flows with viscoelastic liquid phase, where the latter is modeled via generic rate-type constitutive equations and a one-field description is derived by conditional volume averaging of the local instantaneous bulk equations and interface jump conditions. The method builds on the plicRDF-isoAdvector geometrical VOF solver that is extended and combined with the modular framework DeboRheo for viscoelastic computational fluid dynamics (CFD). A piecewise-linear geometrical interface reconstruction technique on general unstructured meshes is employed for discretizing the viscoelastic stresses across the fluid interface. DeboRheo facilitates a flexible combination of different rheological models with appropriate stabilization methods to address the high Weissenberg number problem.