Data for the beauty (attractiveness) assessment of mammalian species from Zoo Prague and picture characteristics

Published: 16 May 2019| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/gsrvgrrhwx.2
Silvie Rádlová


Dataset for the article named "Beauty ranking of mammalian species kept in the Prague Zoo: does beauty of animals increase the respondents’ willingness to protect them?" The set includes all raw ranking data about mammalian beauty from Czech respondents, data scoring of characteristics attributed to animals (beauty, intelligence, usefulness, dangerousness, necessity of conservation), descriptive variables characterizing the presented picture stimuli (measured morphometric data and color characteristics). mammals_dataset1.xlsx includes the mean rankings of beauty, measurement of morphology, and color characteristics of the presented picture stimuli. mammals_dataset2.xlsx includes the raw order-rankings of sets I, P and R (see the article). mammals_dataset3a_photos.xlsx includes the raw scores (Likert 1-7) for the assessment of mammalian beauty, intelligence, usefulness, dangerousness and necessity to protect the species for the set P mammals_dataset3b_illust.xlsx includes the raw scores (Likert 1-7) for the assessment of mammalian beauty, intelligence, usefulness, dangerousness and necessity to protect the species for the set I



Zoology, Animals, Mammalia, Perception, Attractivity, Preferences, Conservation Behavior
