Electrospun magnetic nanofibers for triggered inductive heating and organic pollutants degradation: a characterization dataset

Published: 23 November 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gt8c5893c4.1
Jesus Antonio Fuentes Garcia,


The data presented shows some properties from electrospun nanofibers as a part of the research article “Magnetic nanofibers for remotely triggered catalytic activity applied to the degradation of organic pollutants” (J.A. Fuentes-García et al., 2022 in press). Morphology, composition, thermal behaviour, and magnetic properties data from the obtained magnetic nanofibers were collected using different state-of-art techniques such as: scanning electron microscopy, X-Ray photon spectroscopy, atenuated total reflectance infared spectroscopy, thermogravymetic analysis, diferential scanning calorimetry and superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry. Also, laboratory made setups were used for the contact angle determination and the magnetically triggered inductive heating responses data collection. The collected dataset was described and analysed, showing the related calculations and curves description with useful parameters for the application of magnetic membranes as inductive heating elements and organic pollutants degradation agents.


Steps to reproduce

The compositional characterization of the MNFs was performed in a CSEM-FEG Inspect™ F50 Scanning Electron Microscope using EDS mode. All samples were coated with a ≈20 nm thickness carbon layer before observation. Obtained EDS spectra and its analysis allowed to estimate the sample stoichiometry (at %) of the Fe3-xMnxO4 samples using simple equation. Normal modes of vibration from functional groups in the samples were analyzed using Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (ATR FT-IR), the spectra from 4000 to 600 cm-1 were obtained using Bruker VERTEX 70v FT-IR Spectrometer. Thermal analysis of PANFs and MNFs was performed using 1.5 mg of each sample for thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in a Mettler Toledo TGA SDTA851 analyzer from 50 to 800 ºC interval, heating rate of 10 ºC min-1, N2 purge of 60 mL min-1 in ceramic pan. Also, 1.5 mg of each sample was employed for Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) in a DSC822e Module (Mettler Toledo) from 50 to 500 ºC (1ºC/minute) under N2 atmosphere. The UV-vis spectra of solid membranes composed by PANFs and MNFs (thickness 30 µm) were performed in a JASCO V-670 UV-vis/NIR spectrophotometer (JASCO, Tokyo, Japan) using the solid-state diffuse reflectance technique in a 60 mm UV-vis/NIR with an integrating sphere from 200 nm to 800 nm, scanning step of 10 nm s−1. The optical band-gap energy (Eg) was determined from the reflectance spectra and using the Tauc´s plots F2 vs. hv, where F is the Kubelka-Munk function of the reflectance, h is the Plank constant and ν the frequency. Magnetization curves as a function of temperature and applied field were obtained using a SQUID magnetometer (MPMS XL, Quantum Design) in the -10 k Oe ≤ H ≤ 10 k Oe range at 10 K and 300 K. Conditioned gelatin capsules were filled with ≈1 mg of as-prepared MNFs for these measurements.


Universidad de Zaragoza - Campus Rio Ebro


Materials Characterization


Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades

PDC2021‐121409‐I00 (MICRODIAL)

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades

PID2019-106947RB-C21 (SONOSOME)
