Historical Romanian seismograms scanned in the framework of the EUROSEISMOS 2002-2007 Project
A collection of 431 historical seismograms obtained from 4 Romanian seismic stations (TIM, SSR, GZR, BZS) that recorded the strongest Euro-Mediterranean earthquakes is presented. These seismograms were scanned by the SISMOS Group of INGV Rome as part of the EUROSEISMOS 2002-2007 Project supported by the European Seismological Commission. They are available for use exclusively for non-profit purposes and with proper quoted of their owner, namely the National Institute for Earth Physics with credits Dr. Eugen Oros as the representative of Romania in the Euroseismos Project, as well as the EuroSeismos Project and the INGV SISMOS Center, Rome. In 2002 at the ESC held in Genoa, a project entitled "Saving and Studying the Seismograms of the Strongest Euro-Mediterranean Earthquakes" coordinated by Graziano Ferrari (SGA - Storia Geofisica Ambiente) and Nicola Alessandro Pino (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, INGV) was started (see http://storing.ingv.it/es_web/Introduction.htm). The partners of EUROSEISMOS were 36 researchers from 29 countries in the Euro-Mediterranean area who are listed in alphabetical order by nation at: http://storing.ingv.it/es_web/Partners.htm. By the end, the project has been able to gather historical seismograms from more than 600 earthquakes chosen by the participants. These earthquakes can be studied interactively with direct links to partners, seismic stations, the types of seismographs, and characteristics at: http://storing.ingv.it/es_web/Data/Es_map.html The recovered and scanned seismic bulletins are at: https://storing.ingv.it/ISS/index.html, https://storing.ingv.it/es_web/Data/Collection.htm, https://storing.ingv.it/es_web/Data/Collection.htm#Links (with links on the map for each seismic station). Information about the project and Romania's contribution (3 volumes) are presented in the Readme.zip file. The lists of earthquakes recorded by the Romanian seismic stations are at: https://storing.ingv.it/es_web/Data/oss/TIM.html https://storing.ingv.it/es_web/Data/oss/SSR.html https://storing.ingv.it/es_web/Data/oss/GZR.html https://storing.ingv.it/es_web/Data/oss/BZS.html References: - Ferrari G., N.A. Pino (2003). EuroSeismos a project for saving and studying historical seismograms in the Euro-Mediterranean area. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 05274. - Michelini, A. and the Sismos Team (2005). Collection, digitization, and distribution of historical seismological data at INGV. EOS, 86(28). - Pintore S., Quintiliani M., Franceschi D. (2005) Teseo: a vectorizer of historical seismograms. Computers & Geosciences, 31, 10, 1277-1285 - Kanamori, H. (1988). Importance of historical seismograms for geophysical research, in "Historical Seismograms and earthquakes of the world", Ed. W.H.K. Lee, H. Meyers and K. Shimazaki, Academic Press, p. 16-33.
Steps to reproduce
The seismograms are scanned initially at high-resolution (1016 dpi) using the Eskoscan 2636 professional scanners producing TIFF raster scans are made at 1016 dpi grayscale and are available at a maximum resolution of 600 dpi. They are presented in 3 volumes/3 DVDs (details in Readme.zip). The digitization can be done using the special program created within the Sismos project called Teseo (Turn the Eldest Seismograms into the Electronic Original Ones) available together with the documentation at https://teseo.rm.ingv.it/ and https://github .com/INGV/teseo2. The characteristics of the instruments/seismographs, including the time corrections, can be found on the seismograms or in the scanned bulletins available at: https://storing.ingv.it/ISS/index.html; https://storing.ingv.it/es_web/Data/Collection.htm#ISS; https://storing.ingv.it/es_web/Data/Collection.htm#Bull; https://storing.ingv.it/es_web/Data/Collection.htm#Status