Mowed and Unmowed Wyoming Big Sagebrush: Foliar Cover by Species, All Transects and Years

Published: 23 February 2017| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gw3ytzydfj.1
Matt Church


Absolute foliar cover data by species from mowed and unmowed Wyoming big sagebrush habitat in Nevada and eastern California. Each row is a unique transect from an individual year. The first two letters in the Transect_ID column represent a unique mowing project. The number following these letters represents a unique replicate within a single project. The fourth character in the Transect_ID column is either a C, indicating unmowed sagebrush (control), or an M, indicating mowed sagebrush. Data were collected at two transects per treatment replicate, with each transect represented by a 1 or a 2 preceding the underscore. The year of data collection is the last four digits of the Transect_ID. For example, cell 2A represents Austin Mow, replicate 2, unmowed transect 1, from 2012. Each column represents the absolute foliar cover of a particular species, genus, or functional group using NRCS plant codes. An _D following a shrub code indicates that that shrub was dead.



Environmental Science
