Bleaching shsho Cream

Published: 5 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gwmmrk6m5m.1
Eldirdiri Fadol Ibrahim Ibrahim


Dataset Summary (Short Version): Dataset Info: Entries: 100 patients Columns: 10 (Patient_ID, Initial/ Post_Use Brightness, Moisture, Texture, Improvement Metrics) Key Columns: Patient_ID: Unique ID for each patient. Initial/ Post_Use Brightness: Brightness level before and after use. Initial/ Post_Use Moisture: Moisture level before and after use. Initial/ Post_Use Texture: Texture measurement before and after use. Brightness, Moisture, Texture Improvement: Differences between initial and post-use measurements. Summary Statistics: Brightness Improvement: Mean = 20.55, Std = 8.49 Moisture Improvement: Mean = 19.47, Std = 9.15 Texture Improvement: Mean = 2.02, Std = 0.93 Data Integrity: No missing values in any columns. Key Observations: Significant improvement in Brightness, Moisture, and Texture after product use. The Moisture Improvement shows the largest mean change. Texture Improvement is more consistent compared to other improvements.


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Statistical Analysis Summary of Numerical Columns: The statistical overview provides insights into the central tendency, variability, and range of each numerical feature. Below are the key statistics: Brightness Metrics: Initial Brightness: Mean: 29.40 Standard Deviation: 5.95 Range: 20.11 (min) to 39.73 (max) Post-Use Brightness: Mean: 49.96 Standard Deviation: 5.86 Range: 40.14 (min) to 59.71 (max) Brightness Improvement: Mean: 20.55 Standard Deviation: 8.49 Range: 3.83 (min) to 37.23 (max) Interpretation: The average improvement in brightness across patients was significant, suggesting that the product is effective in enhancing skin brightness. Moisture Metrics: Initial Moisture: Mean: 40.35 Standard Deviation: 5.87 Range: 30.10 (min) to 49.80 (max) Post-Use Moisture: Mean: 59.82 Standard Deviation: 5.87 Range: 50.28 (min) to 69.81 (max) Moisture Improvement: Mean: 19.47 Standard Deviation: 9.15 Range: 1.57 (min) to 39.33 (max) Interpretation: Significant hydration improvements were observed, with most patients experiencing a moisture increase of 20 units on average. Texture Metrics: Initial Texture: Mean: 3.03 Standard Deviation: 0.63 Range: 2.02 (min) to 3.98 (max) Post-Use Texture: Mean: 5.05 Standard Deviation: 0.59 Range: 4.03 (min) to 5.99 (max) Texture Improvement: Mean: 2.02 Standard Deviation: 0.93 Range: 0.11 (min) to 3.75 (max) Interpretation: Texture improvement was consistent, indicating a steady positive impact of the product.Dataset Info: <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 100 entries, 0 to 99 Data columns (total 10 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 Patient_ID 100 non-null int64 1 Initial_Brightness 100 non-null float64 2 Post_Use_Brightness 100 non-null float64 3 Initial_Moisture 100 non-null float64 4 Post_Use_Moisture 100 non-null float64 5 Initial_Texture 100 non-null float64 6 Post_Use_Texture 100 non-null float64 7 Brightness_Improvement 100 non-null float64 8 Moisture_Improvement 100 non-null float64 9 Texture_Improvement 100 non-null float64 dtypes: float64(9), int64(1) memory usage: 7.9 KB Brightness_Improvement Moisture_Improvement Texture_Improvement 0 13.137781 8.193002 3.190076 1 13.713922 28.944293 1.267087 2 11.647241 27.580128 1.608550 3 18.198244 14.777514 1.974675 4 35.030957 22.393245 2.729363 Summary statistics of numerical columns: Patient_ID Initial_Brightness Post_Use_Brightness Initial_Moisture \ count 100.000000 100.000000 100.000000 100.000000 mean 50.500000 29.403615 49.956634 40.352027 std 29.011492


Cosmetics, Pigment, Skin Cream
