Mendeley supplemental

Published: 22 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gwnx93d3vy.1
Luying Wang


Mendeley supplemental table I. Reasons for the withdrawals. Mendeley supplemental table II. Adverse events of propranolol treatment. Mendeley supplemental table III. The effects of general characteristics and propranolol efficacy on relapse. Mendeley supplemental table IV. The effects of general characteristics and propranolol efficacy on major relapse. Supplemental figure 1. Images of typical lesion 1 evaluated through color Doppler ultrasound. (A) Lesion volume was 1.30 cm3 and blood flow grade was grade 3 before propranolol treatment. (B) Lesion volume was 0.42 cm3 and blood flow grade was grade 2 when reaching the maximum regression after 7 months of treatment. (C) Lesion volume was 0.37 cm3 and blood flow grade was grade 2 before propranolol withdrawal (after 3-month maintenance of treatment). (D) Four months after withdrawal, lesion volume was 1.32 cm3 and blood flow grade was grade 3, which was evaluated as a major relapse. Supplemental figure 2. Images of typical lesion 2 evaluated through color Doppler ultrasound. (A) Lesion volume was 13.85 cm3 and blood flow grade was grade 3 before propranolol treatment. (B) Lesion volume was 7.89 cm3 and blood flow grade was grade 1 when reaching the maximum regression after 4 months of treatment. (C) Lesion volume was 8.37 cm3 and blood flow grade was grade 1 before propranolol withdrawal (after 3-month maintenance of treatment). (D) Two months after withdrawal, lesion volume was 7.72 cm3 and blood flow grade was grade 1, which was evaluated as no relapse. Supplemental figure 3. Images of typical lesion 3 evaluated through color Doppler ultrasound. (A) Lesion volume was 15.00 cm3 and blood flow grade was grade 3 before propranolol treatment. (B) Lesion volume was 5.12 cm3 and blood flow grade was grade 1 when reaching the maximum regression after 4.3 months of treatment. (C) Lesion volume was 4.67 cm3 and blood flow grade was grade 1 before propranolol withdrawal (after 1-month maintenance of treatment). (D) Two months after withdrawal, lesion volume was 4.18 cm3 and blood flow grade was grade 1, which was evaluated as no relapse. Supplemental figure 4. Medication durations and ages at medication termination of patients with and without relapse, patients with and without major relapse.



