
Published: 9 May 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gx8bmc3hmz.1
Wei Jia, ShuJi Li, Lei Wang


An iterative solution for improving the generalization ability of unsupervised skeleton motion retargeting >>>>>>>>>Downloading and Preprocessing Data<<<<<<<<< All data we use are come from the website of mixamo(https: // ). You need to create an account to get the animation files. There is a way to quickly start downloading files. > ** Once the fbx animation files have been downloaded, run *fbx2bvh* in Blender(note: press *"Shift + F11"* to jump to the script screen). Then, process the bvh files into npy file by **. >>>>>>>>>Training Phase<<<<<<<<< Training ItMRNet by: > *./src/* The model will be saved at "./models". We also provide pre-trained models to get the help started quickly(models are saved at "./models"). >>>>>>>>>Execution Phase<<<<<<<<< Executing ItMRnet by: >*./src/* The details of the four groups of experiments are shown at **. The experimental data are shown at "./datasets/test/" >>>>>>>>>Evaluation<<<<<<<<< > Run* ./result/* >>>>>>>>Rendering model to generate videos<<<<<<<<< Download blender files with character skins --> >Run *./result/* to generate videos. The visualization results of ItMRNet are all placed in the video at >>>>>>>>>IK processing<<<<<<<<< Please refer to this work:**



Hefei University of Technology


Motion Synthesis
