Adaptive vs Traditional Traffic Control Systems: A Vissim Simulation Study on Efficiency and Environmental Impact

Published: 20 May 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gxb2rtd7kh.1
Nabil Hasan


The files in this database contain all the necessary data to recreate the results explained in the article "Adaptive vs Traditional Traffic Control Systems: A Vissim Simulation Study on Efficiency and Environmental Impact". The "Map of study location.jpg" contains a map of the talaimari intersection. The "Field data + Calculation.xlsx" file contains field data collected from the talaimari intersection and subsequently all signal time calculations, simulation results, & their visualization. At last "Vissim" includes the original simulation files used for this specific research.


Steps to reproduce

To reproduce the results, 1. Install Vissim from the official website; 2. Extract the zip file in this database and run the "Talaimari simulation.inpx" file; 3. Open The .xlsx file, then copy attributes of each event time from the "signal time calculation" page in the relevant sections of Vissim. (e.g.- Vehicles/hour in vehicle inputs, Destination ratio in routing decision, Calculated time intervals in the dynamic signal system in the signal controller, etc.) 4. To implement the road condition coefficient (in case of 0.5), reduce the lanes of that road by half. 5. Now run the simulation for each dataset three times, once without signal, once with fixed signal, and once with the dynamic one, record the results from node analysis, and then take all of them & plot graphs to recreate the results.


Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology


Geological Mapping, Computer Simulation, Database
