Current Signature Dataset of Three-Phase Induction Motor under Varying Load Conditions

Published: 31 October 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gxdd74czwh.1


The time domain dataset includes the instantaneous values of three-phase current signature data of loaded induction motor with healthy and unhealthy conditions. The motor with various faults were operated under different load conditions to observe their impact on current signatures. The motor faults include inner-race and outer-race bearing faults of (i) 0.7mm, (i) 0.9mm, (i) 1.1mm, (i) 1.3mm, (i) 1.5m, and (i) 1.7mm. The bearings with different severity levels of faults were operated under the load conditions of 100W, 200W, and 300W. In addition, the motor health condition was also experimented under broken rotor bar (BRB) fault with 100W and 300W loads. There are a total 39 datasets including the three-phase current data acquired under different motor health conditions. The data was acquired at the sampling rate of 10 kHz at the rate of 1000 samples per channel using non-invasive current sensors.



Mehran University of Engineering and Technology


Mechatronics, System Fault Detection, Industrial Machinery, Fault Diagnosis, Induction Motor
