Psychological states before and after Motocross race

Published: 29 January 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gy83nnn3zj.1
Attila Szabo


This field research aimed to investigate feeling states, perceived arousal, anxiety, and negative- and positive affect in the anticipatory and recovery race periods and their relationship to expected and perceived performance.


Steps to reproduce

Measure feeling states, perceived arousal, anxiety, and negative- and positive affect in the anticipatory (before race) and recovery (after the race) race periods along the expected and perceived performance on a 1 to 10 rating scale. Examine the relationship between the DVs and the latter too as well as assess changes from pre to post-race period.


Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem


Psychology, Sport, Mood, Affect Theory, Field Research
