Dataset for the systematic mapping study 'Management of quality requirements in agile and rapid software development: A systematic mapping study'
The data-set includes list of the primary studies and different classifications and mappings reported in the systematic mapping study, Management of quality requirements in agile and rapid software development: A systematic mapping study. Behutiye, W., Karhapää, P., Lopez, L., Burgués, X., Martínez-Fernández, S., Vollmer, A. M., ... & Oivo, M. (2019). Management of quality requirements in agile and rapid software development: a systematic mapping study. Information and Software Technology. 106225. The dataset includes four excel files that describe the findings and classifications reported in the study as follows. - Primary studies and classification.xlsx Present the list of 156 primary studies and the result of their classification by research method, author affiliation, venue , publication year and contexts -ICB domain classification.xlsx Presents the ICB domain classification of the domains reported in the primary studies - Distribution of quality requirement types.xlsx Presents the result of the distribution of quality requirement types reported in the study - Mapping QR management strategies to challenges.xlsx Presents the mapping of the Quality requirement management strategies to challenges reported in the study