Acoustic Characterization of Sensors for Marine Environmental Monitoring
These files accompany the paper "Acoustic Characterization of Sensors for Marine Environmental Monitoring," by Emma Cotter, Paul Murphy, Christopher Bassett, Benjamin Williamson, and Brian Polagye, submitted to the Marine Pollution Bulletin. Data are contained in the spreadsheet file, "PSD (Swath Sweeps).xlsx". This file contains the power spectral density, in dB re 1 uPa^2/Hz, at varying positions within the swath of four acoustic sensors (each sensor is contained in a separate sheet). For multibeam sonars, the "along-swath" and "across-swath" directions are specified. The first row of each sheet specifies the angle, relative to the center of the swath or beam (0 degrees), at which each measurment was taken, and the first column specifies the frequency, in kHz, of each value. The reported PSDs are the received level by a hydrophone that was positioned 6 meters from the transudcers (fore hydrophone in the corresponding manuscript).
Steps to reproduce
Data processing methodology are described in the accompanying publication.