Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh: An Organizational Analysis
The study aimed to understand where organizations currently stand about the allocation of business and achievement of the 2030 Agenda targets. Both primary and secondary data were used in this research. Secondary data sources were allocation of business, citizen charter, annual report, annual performance agreement (APA), budget allocation, current projects/programs, and completed projects. The allocation of 59 organizations' business was critically reviewed to understand their roles and responsibilities and find out the constraints in achieving the SDGs. It was found that the public sectors are working to achieve 111 targets of the SDGs out of 169. It can be considered remarkable progress made by any country in the world. Most of the targets were attended partially, and the full attainment is required to boost up the progress. On the other hand, every Ministry is not performing equally. There are dots in the allocation of business of different ministries and divisions. Allocations of various public institutions' businesses are not befitted to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Based on this research's findings, further in-depth analysis should be carried on each organization separately.