Multi-IsnadSet (MIDS) for Sahih Muslim Hadith with chain of Narrators, based on multiple ISNAD
Published: 28 October 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/gzprcr93zn.2
, , Description
The Hadith Isnad narrators data may be useful for the researcher to better adapt these techniques for particular problems. This data is developed for future research on the public repository for all the Research Institutes, Scientific and Islamic communities who want to work on Hadith's domain. This dataset contains two types of excel documents: Hadith_SahihMuslim_CoreInfo.xlsx file (7748 records) and Hadith_SahihMuslim_DetailsInfo_Sanad_Narrators.xlsx document (77797 records). The data contains 7748 Hadiths and 2092 unique records of Narrators of All Sahih Muslim Hadith
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Pakistan Air Force Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology
Social Sciences, Computer Science, Education, Network (Computer Science), Graph Theory, Computer Modeling in Social Science, Graph-Based Representation