Continuous In Situ Measurement of Dissolved Methane in Lake Kivu Using a Membrane Inlet Laser Spectrometer

Published: 5 September 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gzvgryw3s5.1
Roberto Grilli


Here a continuous dissolved CH4 measurements made with an in situ Membrane Inlet Laser Spectrometer instrument at lake kivu on the first 150 m of depth. The measurement were performed from 9th to 13th March 2018 at ~6 km from Goma and ~5 km from Gisenyi/Rubavu at the Northern shore of the lake (1.74087°S - 29.22602°E) and nearby a permanent platform with water depth of 410 m. Data are reported in units of partial pressure, mol per liter of water and in percentage with respect to the total dissolved gas.



CNRS Delegation Alpes, Universite Grenoble Alpes


Natural Sciences, Lake Chemistry
