Delphi survey data for an international consensus radiological monitoring follow-up protocol of proximal humerus fractures
The purpose of this study was to develop a standardized protocol for an image-based monitoring of PHF for joint-preserving treatment options, including a minimum set of descriptors or definitions of features of radiographic images, to be applied in clinical routine practice and studies. An international panel of experienced shoulder trauma surgeons was selected from AO Trauma members following personal invitation. Eligible panel members had to report sufficient expertise defined as treating more than 20 PHF annually and having more than 5 years of experience in orthopedic trauma. We implemented a Delphi exercise with on-line surveys using REDCap data capture system. Our work confirmed the need for clear definitions of radiological features that should be considered in the follow-up of proximal humeral fractures. It has resulted in the development of an international consensus monitoring protocol for PHF treatment with a structured core set of radiological parameters. We provide here survey screenshots (PDF), response datasets (Log file with codebook, Stata version 14 and comma-delimited csv data file format), and descriptive reports (PDF format including text, response listing and tables).
Steps to reproduce
We implemented a Delphi exercise including two on-line surveys that were applied using REDCap data capture system. Using open questions participants recommended the type and timing of desired diagnostic images, and formulated definitions for the imaging parameters they considered most important. Formulated recommendations for the type and timing of radiological fracture monitoring and clarification of the definitions of the proposed radiological parameter set were subjected to a final survey. At the second and final survey, participants were provided with a detailed statistical report of previous responses in listings and tables. Consensus for each factor was considered to have been reached when there was at least a two-thirds agreement in the survey participants. Intercooled Stata version 14 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX) was used for standard descriptive analyses of survey data. All comments and suggestions made were listed and tabulated into successive reports. Amendments and adjudication of the monitoring protocol were made by the steering group if they were considered improvements for correctness, clarity and practical application.