Response of eggplant growth, photosynthesis, yield and fruit quality to Control and Smart Glass treatments in a glasshouse facility located at Western Sydney University during a 2 year period (2018-2019)
Published: 12 February 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/h225w9kvmr.1
Sachin Chavan, , Yagiz Alagoz, Joao Filipe, Charles Warren, , , , Description
This dataset was used to determine how altered light environment under the novel Smart Glass affects growth, photosynthesis, yield and fruit quality of eggplants during two experimental trials. There were 6 types of datasets associated with this effort: 1) Biochemistry - biochemical analysis of leaves, 2) Fruit quality, 3) Growth and productivity data, 4) Growth environment and light spectral data, 5) physiological data - Light response curves and spot gas exchange data and 6) Spectral indices- Leaf spectral indices measured using reflectance measurements.
Western Sydney University - Hawkesbury Campus
Physiology, Horticulture, Smart Material, Greenhouse Crops