Electrophysiological, perceptual, demographic, and audio data of soundscape listening in stereo and binaural formats

Published: 3 July 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/h2hf6xhpkx.1
Norberto Naal-Ruiz,


Objective This work aims to understand the listening perception of subjects to soundscapes in binaural and stereo audio formats employing subjective and electroencephalographic responses Design The experimental procedure consisted of EEG recordings of eyes-closed resting state for 60 seconds. After that, a randomly selected soundscape was played for two minutes using AKG K240 headphone model. Finally, the participant was instructed to answer the Slater-Usoh-Steed (SUS) questionnaire for around 15 seconds. This cycle was repeated eight times with different soundscapes without repetition, and participants kept their eyes closed during soundscape playback. The sequence of the soundscapes was randomized for every participant. Content Audio tracks folder: Eight wave files in 48k Hz sample rate and 24-bit depth of four soundscapes: 1) Natural: La Estanzuela Ecological Park, 2)Parque: Santa Lucía Riverwalk, 3) Trafico: Eugenio Garza Sada avenue in the city of Monterrey, and 4) Music: Society music soundscape of Metapatio music venue. All soundscapes were recorded at the original locations in the state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Each soundscape was recorded in stereo (St) and binaural (Bin) formats, resulting in two audio files per soundscape. EEG folder: EEG data in GDF format of 30 individuals answering the SUS presence questionnaire of subjects while listening four soundscapes in two audio formats. Data was recorded at 250 Hz using the Unicorn Hybrid Black EEG system and OpenVibe for data acquisition. Only subject 33 has two GDF files, one for resting state and one for the listening condition. Events order folder: json files generated with the L2_experiment_playback max patch indicating the presentation order of the eight audio tracks in the EEG files. DataSpecs excel file: Five worksheets containing the following information: 1. Demographic data: This file contains the demographic information (age, sex, nationality, dexterity, academic level, and music or audio expertise) of subjects. 2. SUS answer: Answers of subjects to the three items of the SUS questionnaire per audio file. The score of answers corresponds to a 7-point Likert scale from 1 to 7. Missing answers are indicated with dashes (-). 3. Presentation_original: presentation order of soundscapes as indicated in original json and audio files. Soundscapes were presented to subjects in random order. 4. Presentation_english: This sheet has the same information as Presentation_original but is standardized to English. 5. EEG stimulation codes: Information of stimulation in EEG files to indicate soundscape playback and subject responses. Each stimulation code is associated with an event (e.g., audio playback, the question presented to the subject, and the subject response). A description of each event is given as well. L2_experimet_playback: Max patch used for randomization of presentation order and playback of soundscapes.



Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey


Acoustics, Neuroscience, Spatial Audio


Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología

Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
