Alternating current excitation and voltage measurements - Samsung-30T INR 21700 Battery
Published: 24 October 2022| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/h3yfxtwkjz.1
Prarthana Pillai, Sneha Sundaresan, Krishna Pattipati, Balakumar BalasingamDescription
The data collection is performed using an Arbin BT-2000 battery cycler. The s.d. of the voltage and current measurement error of the device is approximately 0.00033 V and 0.00025 A, respectively. The sampling time of the data is ∆ = 1 seconds; this resulted in close to 7,200 voltage and current measurements. The VI data can be visualized using the demoVI.m file.
University of Windsor
Battery Charging, Lithium Battery, Parameter Estimation, Alternating Current Method, Simple Battery