DATASET: Are people with high psychoticism the true homo economicus? Personality as a variable to be taken into account in behavioral economics.
In the context of the Common Goods Game, 97 students are asked to contribute to a common fund. They had 25 units, corresponding to 0,25 tenths of one subject final grade score, which can contribute to the common fund to the extent that they wish, knowing that, after the contribution of all students, the total amount of the common fund will be doubled and will be distributed equally among all the participants. If everyone contributed their 25 units, they would get 50. The prosocial strategy (social optimum) would be to provide all of the 25 tenths, with the hope that everyone will do the same and, therefore, double those tenths. The antisocial strategy (optimal individual), and optimal in mathematical terms, would not contribute anything in the hope that others would help everything. Based on whether there is a possibility of inferring the level of contribution that a subject will make to the common fund based on their personality traits and prosocial behavior, the following hypotheses are established: H1: The big five personality traits measured through the TIPI will correlate with the level of contributions to the common fund. H2: The features of agreeableness and consciousness in their lower quartile, as a measure of high psychoticism, will be predictive of the lowest levels of contribution. The present dataset is an spss archive in which you can see the measure of the sample Big Five personality traits (these can take values between 1 and 5), the "Psychoticism" variable (it can take the value "Psych-H" or the value "Psych-L") and the "Contribution" and "Gained" variables (that collect the amounts contributed and earned). Psych-H value includes subjects with values in the lowest quartile of both traits, agreeableness and consciousness. Given the non-normality of the variables, if non-parametric analyzes are performed, it can be verified that there are no statistically significant differences between the distributions of personality traits and the level of contribution, so the traits will not be variables that can predict levels of contribution. But it is found statistical dependence between the variable contribution to the common fund and the variable psychoticism with an effect size between small and medium.