Problematika Masjid Tanah Bersengketa: Salat Jumat kurang diminati dimasjid ini

Published: 17 November 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/h4prb2zg7r.2


ABSTRACT Mosques are known as places of worship by Muslims in the form of buildings and mosque building areas. Historically mosques have served as community centers, courts, and religious schools. In modern times, they also maintain their role as places of religious instruction and debate. This paper tells about the problem of the Nurul Cihampelas Mosque which is currently in dispute regarding the land for the mosque, so that the implementation of Friday prayers at the mosque is reduced by the surrounding residents, local residents prefer Friday prayers at the mosque which is further away from this mosque. And past the Nurul mosque, there have been several debates between the mosque management and the land owner claimants until the first mosque building was demolished and a business building was built. Keywords: Problems, Mosques, Land Disputes, Friday Prayers   ABSTRAK Masjid dikenal sebagai tempat ibadah oleh umat islam dalam bentuk bangunan, dan kawasan bangunan Masjid. Secara historis masjid telah berfungsi sebagai pusat komunitas, pengadilan, dan sekolah agama. Di zaman modern, mereka juga mempertahankan perannya sebagai tempat pengajaran dan debat agama. Dalam makalah ini menceritakan masalah Masjid Nurul Cihampelas yang sedang bersengketa tentang tanah masjid tersebut, sehingga penyelenggaraan Solat Jumat di masjid tersebut dikurangi warga sekitarnya, warga sekitar lebih memilih salat jumat di masjid yang lebih jauh dari masjid ini. Dan melewati masjid Nurul, beberapa kali telah terjadi pendebatan antara pengelola masjid dan pengklaim pemilik lahan tersebut sampai bangunan masjid pertamanya dirubuhkan dan dibangunkan bangunan bisnis. Kata kunci: Problema, Masjid, Tanah Sengketa, Solat Jumat



Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati


Philosophy of Religion, Socialization and Social Development
