2D near-surface seismic data from the Late Jurassic Upper Jubaila Fm outcrop - Wadi Laban, Central Saudi Arabia

Published: 11 May 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/h5brxztb8m.1


Two lines of 2D seismic data were recorded in January 2018 from the Late Jurassic (Late Kimmeridgian) Jubaila Fm outcrop – Wadi Laban, Central Saudi Arabia. The main objective of this dataset is to complement near-surface well logs with meter-scale geophysical images for multi-scale geophysical characterization analog of microporous carbonate in the Jubaila Fm. The length of each line is 600 m. The survey consists of 120 shots with a ~5 m shot interval. The receivers are 120 vertical P-wave geophones with a ~5 m interval planted directly on hard limestone rock by hand drills. The seismic source is a 750 kg accelerated weight drop mounted on a 6 × 6 All-Terrain Vehicle. The recording length for all lines was 600 ms with a 0.5 ms sampling interval. The data is sorted as shot gather in SEGY format with the receiver and shot coordinates provided as Excel spreadsheets. A pdf file summarizing the processing steps and one example of the processed line in SEGY format is provided as an example.



King Abdullah University of Science and Technology


Geophysics, Exploration Seismics
